The center is committed to contributing to the knowledge base on issues related to School Safety and School Climate.
Most recent publications:
- Bystander Motivation in Bullying Incidents: To Intervene or Not to Intervene?
- Peer victimization and School Safety: The Role of Coping Effectiveness
- High School Students’ Perceptions of Motivations for Cyberbullying: An Exploratory Study
- Measuring Students’ Self Efficacy in Bullying Situations
- A Case Study with an Identified Bully: Policy and Practice Implications
Here is a list of our various contributions by area and publication type. These are brief summaries of recent research written by staff members of the Center.
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Huddleston, L., Varjas, K., Meyers, J., & Cadenhead, C. (2011). A case study with an identified bully: Policy and practice implications. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12(3), 316-323.
Tenenbaum, L. S., Varjas, K., Meyers, J., & Parris, L. (2011). Coping strategies and perceived effectiveness in fourth through eighth-grade victims of bullying. School Psychology International, 32(3), 263-287, doi: 10.1177/0143034311402309.
Varjas, K., Talley, J., Meyers, J., Parris, L., & Cutts, H. (2010). High school students’ perceptions of motivations for cyberbullying: An exploratory study. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 11(3), 269-273.
Smith, H., Varjas, K., Meyers, J., Marshall, M., Ruffner, C., & Graybill, E. (2010). Teachers’ perceptions of teasing in schools. Journal of School Violence, 9, 1-21.
Varjas, K., Meyers, J., Meyers, B., Kim, S., Henrich, C., & Subbiah, L. (2009). Positive Psychology and the Prevention of School-Based Victimization. In Handbook of Positive Psychology S. Huebner & R. Gilman (Eds.). NY: Routledge Publishers Chapter 24 (pp. 323-338).
Marshall, M., Varjas, K., Meyers, J., Skoczylas, R., & Graybill, E. (2009). Teacher responses to bullying: Self reports from the front line. Journal of School Violence, 8(2), 136-158.
Varjas, K., Henrich, C. & Meyers, J. (2009). Urban middle school students’ perceptions of bullying, cyberbullying and school safety. Journal of School Violence, 8(2), 159-176.
Varjas, K., Meyers, J., Bellmoff, L., Lopp, E., Birckbichler, L., & Marshall, M. (2008). Missing voices: Fourth through eighth grade urban students’ perspectives on bullying. Journal of School Violence, 7(4), 97-118.
Varjas, K, Dew, B. Marshall, M., Graybill, E., Singh, A., Meyers, J., & Birckbichler, L. (2008). Bullying in schools towards sexual minority youth. Journal of School Violence, 7(2), 59-86.
Varjas, K., Graybill, E., Mahan, W., Meyers, J., Dew, B., Marshall, M., & Singh, A. (2007). Urban service providers’ perspectives on school responses to gay, lesbian, and questioning bullying: An exploratory study. Professional School Counseling, 11(2), 113-119.
Mahan, W. C., Varjas, K., Dew, B., Meyers, J., Singh, A., Marshall, M., & Graybill, E. (2006). School and community service providers’ perspectives on gay, lesbian, and questioning bullying. Journal of GLBT Issues in Counseling, 1(2), 45-66.
Varjas, K. Meyers, J., Henrich, C. C., Graybill, E. C., Dew, B. J., Marshall, M. L., Williamson, Z., Skoczylas, R. B., & Avant, M. (2006). Using a participatory culture-specific intervention model to develop a peer victimization intervention. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 22(2), 35-58. Co-published in: B. K. Nastasi (Ed.), Multicultural Issues in School Psychology. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc.
Kim, S., Varjas, K., Henrich, C., & Meyers, J. (2010, April). Measuring students’ self-efficacy in bullying situations. In S. Swearer, S. Hymel, & P. Gillette (Eds.), Bullying at School and Online, 2nd edition. A special issue of Retrieved from
Varjas, K., Talley, J., Meyers, J., Parris, L., & Cutts, H. (2010). High school students’ perceptions of motivations for cyberbullying: An exploratory study. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 11(3), 269-273.
Varjas, K., Henrich, C. & Meyers, J. (2009). Urban middle school students’ perceptions of bullying, cyberbullying and school safety. Journal of School Violence, 8(2), 159-176.
Watson, L., Varjas, K., Meyers, J., & Graybill, E. C. (2010). Gay-straight alliance advisors: negotiating multiple ecological systems when advocating for LGBTQ Youth. Journal of LGBT Youth, 7, 100-128.
Graybill, E. C., Varjas, K., Meyers, J., & Watson, L. (2009). Content-specific strategies to advocate for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth: An exploratory study. School Psychology Review, 38(4), 570-584.
Varjas, K, Dew, B. Marshall, M., Graybill, E., Singh, A., Meyers, J., & Birckbichler, L. (2008). Bullying in schools towards sexual minority youth. Journal of School Violence, 7(2), 59-86.
Varjas, K., Graybill, E., Mahan, W., Meyers, J., Dew, B., Marshall, M., & Singh, A. (2007). Urban service providers’ perspectives on school responses to gay, lesbian, and questioning bullying: An exploratory study. Professional School Counseling, 11(2), 113-119.
Varjas, K., Mahan, W. C., Meyers, J., Birckbichler, L., Lopp, G., & Dew, B. J. (2006). Assessing school climate among sexual minority high school youth. Journal of GLBT Issues in Counseling, 1(3), 49-75.
Mahan, W. C., Varjas, K., Dew, B., Meyers, J., Singh, A., Marshall, M., & Graybill, E. (2006). School and community service providers’ perspectives on gay, lesbian, and questioning bullying. Journal of GLBT Issues in Counseling, 1(2), 45-66.
Harper, E., Kruger, A.C., Hamilton, C., Meyers, J., Truscott, S.D., & Varjas, K. (in press). Practitioners’ perceptions of culturally responsive school-based mental health services for low-income African American girls: An exploratory study. School Psychology Forum.
Kruger, A.C., Zabek, F., Collins, S., Harper, E., Hamilton, C., McGee, M.C., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (in press). African American girls’ descriptions of life in high-risk neighborhoods. School Psychology Forum.
Kruger, A.C., Harper, E., Zabek, F., Collins, S., Perkins, C. & Meyers, J. (in press). Facilitating school-based prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Health Promotion and Practice.
Harris, J., Irving, M., & Kruger, A.C. (in press). Media literacy and perceptions of identity among pre-adolescent African American girls. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 8.
Harris, J, Irving, M., Kruger, A.C. (2015) Media literacy and perceptions of identity among pre-adolescent African-American girls. In L. Rubin & J. Merrick (Eds.), Environment and Public Health: Environmental Health, Law and International Perspectives. (pp. 31-42). New York: Nova Publishers.
Kruger, A.C., Harper, E, Harris, P., Sanders, D., Levin, K., & Meyers, J. (2013). Sexualized and dangerous relationships: Listening to the voices of low-income African American girls placed at risk for sexual exploitation. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14 (4), 370-376. DOI 10.5811/westjem.2013.2.16195.
Harris, J., Kruger, A.C., Zabek, F., Agel, K., McPhee, K., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (2016, April). African American girls’ descriptions of sexual harassment at school. To be presented to the Society for Research in Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.
Kruger, A.C., Zabek, F., Harris, J., Agel, K., McPhee, K., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (2016, April) Assessing African American girls’ media literacy. To be presented to the Society for Research in Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.
Harris, J., Kruger, A.C., McPhee, K., Zabek, F., Agel, K., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (2016, April) Middle school Black girls' experiences with sexual harassment and subsequent teacher responses. Paper to be presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Zabek, F., Harris, J., Agel, K., Kruger, A.C., McPhee, K., Kearney, M., Grishby, K.D., Perkins, C. & Meyers, J. (2016, February). The words of girls: Exploring the prevention of CSEC. Poster to be presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Perkins, C., Meyers, J., Kruger, A.C., Zabek, F., & Harper, E. (2015, June). Risks for commercial sexual exploitation: Middle school girls’ perceptions. Paper presented to the International School Psychology Association. Säo Paulo, Brazil.
Harper, E., Kruger, A., & Meyers, J. (2015, April). Practitioners’ perceptions of culturally responsivschool-based mental health services for low-income African American girls: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Kruger, A.C., Zabek, F., Collins, S., Harper, E., Hamilton, C., McGee, M.C., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (2015, March). African American girls’ narratives about life in high-risk neighborhoods. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Harper, E., Gatlin, D. C., Kruger, A., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (2015, February). Strategic public communication in school psychology programs: An illustrative framework. Poster presented at the Trainers of School Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Harper, E., Zabek, F., Kruger, A., Perkins, C. & Meyers, J. (2015, February). Using social media in practice: Reflections and recommendations. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Kruger, A.C., Zabek, F., Collins, S., Harper, E., Hamilton, C., McGee, M.C., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (2014, April). Their words: African American girls’ descriptions of life in high-risk neighborhoods. Presented to the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Harris, J, Irving, M., & Kruger, A.C. (2014, April). Media literacy and perceptions of identity among pre-adolescent African-American girls. Presented to the 9th Annual Conference of Break the Cycle of Environmental Health Disparities in Children, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Zabek, F., Collins, S., Hamilton, C., McGee, M.C., Harper, E., Kruger, A.C., Perkins, C., & Meyers, J. (2014, February). Responding to risk: An iterative adaptation of a program to prevent commercial sexual exploitation of children. Presented to the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, DC.
Harper, E., Meyers, J., Kruger, A.C., Varjas, K., Truscott, S. (2014, February) An ecological framework for school-based prevention of the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Presented to the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, DC.
Harper, E., Kruger, A.C., Meyers, J., & Hamilton, C. (2013, August). Understanding low-income urban African American girls' school-based mental health service needs and provision: Historical, socioeconomic, and cultural perspectives. Presented to the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Kruger, A.C., Collins, S., Hamilton, C., Harper, E., McGee, M.C., Zabek, F.A., Cadenhead, C. P., & Meyers, J. (2013, August). Listening to African American girls placed at risk for exploitation. Presented to the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Perkins, C., Meyers, J., Kruger, A.C., Harper, E., Collins, S., Zabek, F., & Hamilton, C. (2013, July). Perceptions of middle school girls placed at risk of commercial sexual exploitation. Presented to the International School Psychology Association, Porto, Portugal.
Harper, E., Hamilton, C., Huguelet, A., McGee, M.C., Thompson, V., Kruger, A.C. & Meyers, J. (2012, February). Culturally relevant school-based mental health services with low-income African American girls. Presented to the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
Kruger, A.C., Harper, E., Huguelet, A., McGee, M.C., Hamilton, C., Thompson, V. & Meyers, J. (2012, February). Sexualized and unsafe relationships in the lives of African American girls at risk for commercial sexual exploitation. Presented to the Interdisciplinary Conference on Sex Trafficking in the United States: Researching Vulnerable Populations. Corvallis, OR.
Harper, E. A. (2011, September). Images of African American women in the media. Invited presentation. Spelman College. Atlanta, Georgia.
Kruger, A.C. (2011, June). Sexualized and unsafe relationships in the lives of children at risk: Threats to and protections of human rights. Annual conference of The Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York.
Kruger, A.C. (2011, April). Life narratives of African American girls at risk for commercial sexual exploitation. Presented at the Carter Center Human Rights Defenders Forum on Faith, Belief and the Advancement of Women’s Human Rights. Atlanta, Georgia.
Kruger, A.C., Harris, P., Harper, E., Sanders, D., Levin, K., Huguelet, A., McGee, M.C., & Meyers, J. (2011, March). Sexualized and unsafe relationships in the lives of African American girls at risk for commercial sexual exploitation. Paper presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Kruger, A.C., Harris, P., Harper, E., Sanders, D., Levin, K., Huguelet, A., McGee, M.C., & Meyers, J. (2011, March). Life narratives of African American girls at risk for commercial sexual exploitation. Presentation at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Atlanta, Georgia.
Harper, E. A. (2011, February). School-based prevention of the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Presented at John Marshall Law School, Atlanta, Georgia.
Kruger, A.C. (2011, February). Human trafficking: Global and local perspectives. Presentation to the annual conference of the Committee on Teaching about the United Nations (CTAUN). Atlanta, Georgia.
Kruger, A.C. (2011, February). Project Prevent: A school-based CSEC prevention program. Presentation to the annual conference of the Committee on Teaching about the United Nations (CTAUN). Atlanta, Georgia.
Kruger, A.C., Harris, P., Levin, K., Harper, E., Sanders, D., Surana, N., Shah, P., & Meyers, J. (2010, May). Project PREVENT: School-based intervention to promote development of girls at risk for commercial sexual exploitation. Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
The End of Innocence: Lessons Learned From Crisis Management of the September 11 Terrorist Attack
by Greg Brack, Catherine J. Brack, Michele Hill, Marolyn Wells, Pam Lassiter. (2007).
2006 Georgia Student Health Survey: State Report Narrative & Data Appendix
by Courtney Chambless, Megan L. Marshall, Lydia Odenat, Crissy Ruffner, Nick White, Jeff Ashby, Joel Meyers. (2006).
DeKalb County Prevention/Intervention Survey Report
by Christopger Henrich, Gabriel Kuperminc, Joel Meyers, Sheila Sayfi, Mariya Malikina. (2006).
Evaluation Report of the ENLACE
by Courtney Chambless, Jeff Robinson, Harley Granville, Kathryn Grogg, Juan Xiao, Joel Meyers. (2006).
Student Survey of Bullying Behavior: Preliminary Development and Results from Six Elementary Schools
by Mary Helen Hunt, Joel Meyers, Olga Jarrett, John Neel. (2005).
by Andrew Yu
by Maribel Lauber
by Maribel Lauber
by Megan Marshall
by Juan "Tulip" Xiao
by Jessica Carboni
by Michelle Bolling & Erin Harper
by Greer Ezrine
by Emily Graybill & Catalina Morillas
by Catalina Morillas & Christen Gibbons